haku: @indexterm INPUT-OUTPUT ANALYSIS / yhteensä: 169
viite: 25 / 169
Tekijä:Lee, C.-K.
Taylor, T.
Otsikko:Critical reflections on the economic impact assessment of a mega-event: the case of 2002 FIFA World Cup
Lehti:Tourism Management
2005 : AUG, VOL. 26:4, p. 595-603
Asiasana:Impact assessment
Sports industry
Input-output analysis
Korea, South
Tiivistelmä:Sport events can generate great revenue and produce major economic benefits to host cities, regions and countries. This article examines the assessment of the 2002 FIFA World Cup is South Korea and discusses the difficulties of tourist demand estimation and the problems of current methods for evaluating the economic impact assessment regarding mega events.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 258172
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