haku: @indexterm economists / yhteensä: 170
viite: 57 / 170
Tekijä:Kurdas, C.
Majevski, R.
Otsikko:The rhetoric of a profession and path dependency. Can economists have their theory and free speech to?
Lehti:Review of Political Economy
1994 : JUL, VOL. 6:3, p. 337-355
Tiivistelmä:In his plea for the adoption of a rhetorical stance in economics, Donald McCloskey offers the hope that sensitivity to rhetoric will improve economists' prose, teaching, relations with other disciplines and arguents, without changing in the stories they tell. Rhetoric suggests ways to improve communication, but these involve changes in the profession's education and incentive systems. Drawing on studies of technological lock-in and path dependency, the authors examine how the tools, concepts and formal language of neo-classical economics have "locked-in" , along with a style of communication inherited from 19th century physics.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 115152
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