haku: @indexterm Management behaviour / yhteensä: 173
viite: 34 / 173
Tekijä:Tan, B. L. B.
Otsikko:Researching managerial values: a cross-cultural comparison
Lehti:Journal of Business Research
2002 : OCT, VOL. 55:10, p. 815-821
Asiasana:Management behaviour
Country comparisons
Corporate culture
Tiivistelmä:The study focuses on the outcome of acculuration on the personal value system of managers. Specific focus is placed on Chinese managers across different countries, taking into consideration the moderating influence of cultural heritage and national environment. The influence of culture is controlled by taking sampled Chinese managers across three countries: China (PRC), USA, and Singapore. Results indicated significant differences among the managers in the three nations. In particular, Singaporean Chinese managers displayed most dissimilar values with their PRC counterparts, while showing more common values with the American Chinese managers. The findings support the cultural convergence theory, which stipulates that through imperatives of industrialization and modernization, personal value systems of managers are likely to become increasingly similar. differences
SCIMA tietueen numero: 239272
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