haku: @indexterm Baltic countries / yhteensä: 173
viite: 13 / 173
Tekijä:Woolfson, C.
Calite, D.
Kallaste, E.
Otsikko:Employee 'voice' and working environment in post-communist New Member States: an empirical analysis of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
Lehti:Industrial Relations Journal
2008 : JUL, VOL. 39:4, p. 314-334
Asiasana:labour markets
working conditions
trade unions
Baltic countries
European Union
Tiivistelmä:Using a cross-national survey, this study explores employee 'voice' in workplace health and safety in three Baltic New Member States of the European Union (EU). Based on the data, unresolved problems of voice in the context of rather poor working environments are pointed to. These present opportunities for collective renewal by trade unions, however paradoxically more likely to be addressed by employers in the context of significant labour shortages created by a post-EU accession labour 'exit'.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 269602
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