haku: @indexterm OFFICES / yhteensä: 176
viite: 11 / 176
Tekijä:Mackay, M.
Maxwell, G.
Otsikko:Testing the office of the future
Lehti:People Management
1997 : OCT 9, VOL. 3:20, p. 44-47
Tiivistelmä:earlier this year Scottish Enterprise turned part of its Glasgo headquarters into a test-bed for hot-desking and other forms of flexible working. The authors examine the personnel implications of the workplace of the future. The objective is to create a more efficient, effective and creative workplace, to better support changing business practices. Scottish Enterprise, a non-departmental government body, hopes to gain from the pilot itself, but also to support its mission.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 165232
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