haku: @indexterm INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERINGS / yhteensä: 176
viite: 61 / 176
Tekijä:Zuckerman, E.W.
Rao, H.
Otsikko:Shrewd, crude or simply deluded? Comovement and the Internet stock phenomenon
Lehti:Industrial and Corporate Change
2004 : FEB, VOL. 13:1, p. 171-212
Asiasana:Stock markets
Initial Public Offerings
Tiivistelmä:This paper shows that i. return comovement among Internet stocks during the late 1990s and early 2000 was not exceedingly high, ii. there was substantial consistency in the manner by which investors distinguished among Internet stocks, and iii. high comovement is most common during periods of price erosion. These results cast doubt on the view that the extraordinary appreciation of Internet stocks was due to the crude classification of all such stocks as members of a hot category.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 254464
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