haku: @indexterm Initial public offerings / yhteensä: 176
viite: 54 / 176
Tekijä:Aernoudt, R.
Otsikko:Incubators: tool for entrepreneurship?
Lehti:Small business economics
2004 : SEP, VOL. 23:2, p. 127-135
Asiasana:Business incubators
New enterprise
Initial public offerings
Tiivistelmä:This article focuses on business incubators and examines the relationship btw- incubation, entrepreneurship and start-up financing. The stand of incubation providers in the United States and Europe are compared. It is argued that one barrier for the development of incubators in Europe is the lack of entrepreneurship and the underdevelopment of seed financing and business angel networks. It is concluded that seed financing, business angel networks and IPO assistance should be integrated into the real business incubation concept both in Europe and in the U.S..
SCIMA tietueen numero: 258818
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