haku: @indexterm Human Resource Management / yhteensä: 1760
viite: 383 / 1760
Tekijä:Thompson, M.
Heron, P.
Otsikko:The difference a manager can make: organizational justice and knowledge worker commitment
Lehti:International journal of human resource management
2005 : MAR, VOL 16:3, p. 383-404
Asiasana:Human resource management
Tiivistelmä:The quality of the employment relationship is argued to be central to knowledge (hereafter as: kn.) workers' commitment (here as: k-w-c.), which in turn supports kn. creation. Managers' decisions over work distribution, content and resources become more critical for commitment and kn. creation. Using a sample of 429 R&D workers from across six science and technology-based firms, this paper explores the three-way interaction of procedural and interactional justice (here as: p-and-i-just.) with the psychological contract to predict k-w.c. It is found among others that when employees simultaneously perceived high levels of p-and-i. just. this moderated the relationship btw. psychological contract breach and k-w-c. The results suggest that the perceived quality of the relationship btw. kn. workers and their manager can make a positive difference in the context of breach of the psychological contract and this in turn can help maintain levels of commitment important for kn. creation.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 257249
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