haku: @indexterm Human Resource Management / yhteensä: 1760
viite: 381 / 1760
Tekijä:Michie, J.
Sheehan, M.
Otsikko:Business strategy, human resources, labour market flexibility and competitive advantage
Lehti:International journal of human resource management
2005 : MAR, VOL 16:3, p. 445-464
Asiasana:Human resource management
Competitive advantage
Tiivistelmä:This paper contributes to the strategic human resource management (HRM) literature by testing the three main approaches: the universalistic ('best practice'), contingency and configurational against an original database. Specifically, examined are: 1. the relationship (here as: r/ship.) btw. HR and firm performance, 2. the links btw. strategy, HR and the use of flexible employment contracts and 3. the moderating effects of strategy on the links btw. HR, flexible labour and firm performance. Using original data collected from manufacturing and service-sector companies, positive r-ships. are found btw. HR policies and practices and performance, that the r-ship. btw. HR and performance is dependent on business strategy, and that companies pursuing an integrated approach to HR coupled with an innovator/quality-enhancer focus within their business strategy perform best.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 257252
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