haku: @indexterm Human Resource Management / yhteensä: 1760
viite: 366 / 1760
Tekijä:Farndale, E.
Otsikko:HR department professionalism: a comparison between the UK and other European countries
Lehti:International journal of human resource management
2005 : MAY. VOL. 16:5, p. 660-675
Asiasana:Country comparisons
Human resource management
United Kingdom
Vapaa asiasana:Departments
Tiivistelmä:Collective professional behaviour of HR departments in organizations has not been studied very excessively. This article is based on Europe-wide survey data and it attempts to bridge this gap by examining HR department professionalism in terms of strategic involvement in corporate activities. Findings for the UK indicate that HR departments as a whole demonstrate limited professional behaviour and that this situation has remained largely stable over the last decade.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 258953
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