haku: @indexterm Human Resource Management / yhteensä: 1760
viite: 365 / 1760
Tekijä:Faems, D. (et al)
Otsikko:The effect of individual HR domains on financial performance: evidence from Belgian small businesses
Lehti:International journal of human resource management
2005 : MAY. VOL. 16:5, p. 676-700
Asiasana:Financial performance
Human resource management
Small business
Vapaa asiasana:Operational performance
Tiivistelmä:This study assesses the influence of HRM on financial performance. The relative contribution of different HRM domains to organizational performance. By controlling for the overall HRM intensity in all analyses, one of the most striking shortcomings of "single HR practice research" is tried to be covered, namely the neglect of the potential simultaneity that might exist with other HRM practices. By studying small Belgium companies, the examination focuses on the importance of HRM for small business management.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 258955
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