haku: @indexterm Human Resource Management / yhteensä: 1760
viite: 341 / 1760
Tekijä:Pudelko, M.
Otsikko:Cross-national learning from best practice and the convergence-divergence debate in HRM
Lehti:International journal of human resource management
2005 : NOV, VOL. 16:11, p. 2045-2074
Asiasana:human resource management
Tiivistelmä:This paper aims to develop suggestions as to how to learn from best practices in human resource management (HRM) across national borders. The analysis is based on survey data gathered from 232 HRM managers (here as: mgrs.) from American, Japanese and German top 500 companies. The mgrs. provide information on how the HRM model of their respective country is characterized and from which of the other two country models they seek inspiration. It is suggested that HR mgrs. from all three countries expect a partial convergence towards a hybrid model. Curiously, the model coming closest to this hybrid, that is, the German model, is also the one rating lowest as a source of inspiration. It is argumented that in order to better understand learning from best practice and resulting convergence tendencies, research should seek more insights regarding the knowledge of mgrs. about foreign management models, their perceptions (as:pps.) of these models, and how these pps. are generated.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 260046
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