haku: @indexterm suppliers / yhteensä: 178
viite: 19 / 178
Tekijä:Sengun, A.E.
Wasti, S.N.
Otsikko:Revisiting trust and control: Effects on perceived relationship performance
Lehti:International Small Business Journal
2009 : FEB, VOL. 27:1, p. 39-69
pharmaceutical industry
small business
Tiivistelmä:This study examines the interaction btw. trust (here as: tr.), social control (as: s-c.), output control (as: o-c.), and perceived performance (as: p-p.) for the relationship of pharmacies with their primary drug wholesalers, where both parties are SMEs. A model generated through qualitative analysis is tested using survey data from 360 Turkish pharmacies. There is suggested a positive association btw. tr. and s-c. and a negative association btw. tr. and o-c., in addition to a substitutive relationship btw. tr. and o-c. regarding p-p. A positive association is found btw. s-c. and p-p. Yet, output control seems to have no effect on the latter. Finally, o-c. and s-c. are negatively associated with each other, having a substitutive relationship while predicting p-p. With the focus on small businesses in a service industry, the study contributes to the general debates on the interrelationships of tr., control, and p-p.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 271772
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