haku: @indexterm INFORMATION SYSTEMS / yhteensä: 1796
viite: 376 / 1796
Tekijä:Kock, N.
Otsikko:Can communication medium limitations foster better group outcomes? An action research study
Lehti:Information & Management
1998 : NOV 30, VOL. 34:5, p. 295-305
Tiivistelmä:Media richness theory has been an influential deterministic theory of communication media adoption and use since its development in the mid-1980s. However, there has been mounting evidence, particularly in the 1990s, that predictions based on the media richness theory do not always hold. The author provides evidence that non-controlled groups can voluntarily adopt a communication medium that they perceive as lean. Due to the perception of the limitations imposed by the medium, group members can adapt their behaviour in order to overcome such limitations.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 186734
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