haku: @indexterm ICELAND / yhteensä: 18
viite: 3 / 18
Tekijä:Edvardsson, I.R.
Otsikko:Is knowledge management losing ground? Developments among Icelandic SMEs
Lehti:Knowledge management research & practice
2009 : MAR, VOL. 7:1 p. 91-99
Asiasana:knowledge management
small and medium-sized enterprises (smes)
Tiivistelmä:The article discusses the results of a survey on knowledge management(KM) in small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs) in Iceland. The survey was carried out in 2007 and was a follow-up survey of a similar research conducted in 2004. The article focuses on analyzing whether KM practices have changed in the Icelandic SMEs over this period of time. The results indicate that KM is not losing ground. A similar amount of firms is still using KM and even a slightly bigger number of companies was examining the need for KM. However, many more firms do not have a KM strategy in 2007 than 2004. The findings furthermore indicate that even SMEs may benefit from KM programs, as they can improve organizational, managerial, and financial aspects of the company.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 272866
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