haku: @indexterm SOCIALISM / yhteensä: 180
viite: 29 / 180
Tekijä:Kogut, B.
Zander, U.
Otsikko:Did socialism fail to innovate? A natural experiment of the two Zeiss companies
Lehti:American Sociological Review
2000 : APR, VOL. 65:2, p. 169-190
Tiivistelmä:Two Carl Zeiss companies provide a natural experiment for analyzing the effects of socialist versus market systems on innovation. By analyzing patent records from 1950 to 1990, the authors trace the technological contributions of Zeiss Jena in the German Democratic Republic and Zeiss Oberkochen in the Federal Republic of Germany. The authors show that Zeiss Jena gradually developed considerable technological competence, but a deficiency of innovative potential within the socialist system led to political pressures on key firms to innovate 'by plan'.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 213083
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