haku: @indexterm Accountability / yhteensä: 184
viite: 90 / 184
Tekijä:Haan, J., de
Eijffinger, S.
Otsikko:The democratic accountability of the European Central Bank
Lehti:Journal of Common Market Studies
2000 : SEP, VOL. 38:3, p. 393-408
Tiivistelmä:The European central Bank (ECB) is widely considered to be (legally) independent. Buiter (1999) criticizes the ECB for its lack of democratic accountability, which he does not define in a very precise way. Issing (1999) replies to some of the points raised by Buiter and argues that the ECB is both accountable and transparent. The authors outline the concept of democratic accountability of central banks, comment on some of the disagreements between Buiter and Issing, compare the legal accountability of the ECB with those of some other central banks.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 220203
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