haku: @journal_id 7 / yhteensä: 1856
viite: 265 / 1856
Tekijä:Simon, M.
Otsikko:The rise and fall of bank control in the United States: 1890-1939
Lehti:American Economic Review
1998 : DEC, VOL. 88:5, p. 1077-1093
Tiivistelmä:This article studies how equity ownership and corporate control were separated in the United States. Initially, railroads and industrial firms were tightly controlled by a few shareholders; this situation was altered in the 1890s by massive mergers and reorganisations, which allowed private banks to control railroads and industrial firms. Between 1912 and 1939, bank control faded away as a result of a political reaction against financial institutions.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 189706
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