haku: @indexterm TAXATION / yhteensä: 1872
viite: 371 / 1872
Tekijä:Leruth, L.
Paris, R.
Ruzicka, I.
Otsikko:The complier pays principle: the limits of fiscal approaches toward sustainable forest management
Lehti:IMF Staff papers
2001 : VOL. 48:2, p. 397-423
Asiasana:Forest economics
Natural resources
Forestry industry
Tiivistelmä:The authors examine the role and impact of taxation on sustainable forest management. It is shown that fiscal instruments neither reinforce nor substitute for traditional regulatory approaches and can actually undermine sustainability. The paper uses the reasoning at the root of the Faustman solution to draw conclusions on the incentives for sustainable tropical forest exploitation. It proposes a bond mechnism as an alternative market-based instrument to encourage sustainable forest logging while reducing monitoring costs.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 234698
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