haku: @indexterm Organizational research / yhteensä: 189
viite: 103 / 189
Tekijä:Edmondson, A.
Moingeon, B.
Otsikko:From organizational learning to the learning organization.
Lehti:Management Learning
1998 : MAR, VOL. 29:1, p. 5-20
Tiivistelmä:The article reviews theories of organizational learning and presents a framework with which to organize the literature. The authors argue that unit of analysis provides one critical distinction in the organizational learning literature and research objective another. The resulting two-by-two matrix contains four categories of research: (1) residues (organizations as residues of past learning); (2) communities (organizations as collections of individuals who can learn and develop); (3) participation (organizational improvement gained through intelligent activity of individual members); and (4) accountability (organizational improvement gained through intelligent activity of individual members, (4) accountability (organizational improvement gained through developing individuals' mental models). They also propose a distinction between the terms organizational learning and the learning organization, and shows that these relationships point to individual mental models as a critical source of leverage for creating learning organizations.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 177314
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