haku: @author Feldman, D. C. / yhteensä: 19
viite: 7 / 19
Tekijä:Feldman, D. C.
Weitz, B. A.
Otsikko:Understanding a careerist orientation to work. From the invisible hand to the gladhand (Arbeitsmotivation)
Lehti:Human Resource Management
1991 : SUMMER, VOL. 30:2, p. 237-257
Tiivistelmä:This article explores the concept of a careerist orientation to work, which is defined as the propensity to pursue career advancement. A scale is developed to measure this concept using a sample of 277 business school alumni. Exploratory empirical data suggest that careerism is associated with consistently more negative job attitudes , a greater desire to advance and to change jobs, and more frequent promotions. Implications of a careerist orientation to work for both individual career management and organizational career development are discussed.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 134643
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