haku: @author Chen, H. / yhteensä: 19
viite: 5 / 19
Tekijä:Chen, H.
Rao, A.R.
Otsikko:Close encounters of two kinds: False alarms and dashed hopes
Lehti:Marketing Science
2002 : SPRING, VOL. 21:2, p. 178-196
Statistical methods
Tiivistelmä:The issue of the combined effect of pleasurable and painful stimuli has received scant theoretical or empirical attention. This paper attempts to fill this lacuna in the literature by studying the retrospective evaluation of surprises that return individuals to their original economic state. Although such surprises do not change an individual's original economic state, it is argued that the individual's psychological state changes, and the final affective state is, among other things, a function of the sequence in which the events occur. This model relies on a shift in the reference point to explain how a surprising reversal of an event will lead to a non-zero evaluation of the sequence. It is suggested that people's reference points shift immediately but imperfectly after a stimulus is presented. This model captures the unanticipated nature of the second event (i.e. the surprise element) by allowing the first event to move the reference point.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 236855
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