haku: @author Feldman, D. C. / yhteensä: 19
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Tekijä:Ng, T. W. H.
Feldman, D. C.
Otsikko:Occupational embeddedness and job performance
Lehti:Journal of Organizational Behavior
2009 : OCT, VOL. 30:7, p. 863-891
Vapaa asiasana:organizational embeddedness
work behavior
Tiivistelmä:The purpose of the study is to examine the relationships of occupational embeddedness (here as: occ.e.) with several indicators of job performance, because little research has been done on this topic. The paper also examines the ways in which trait positive and trait negative affect might moderate the relationship between occ. e. and job performance. It is found that occ. e. is positively related to task performance and creativity and negatively related to counterproductive work behavior. Also, trait affect seems to moderate the relationships of occ. e. to job performance. It is also found that the various components of occ. e. have different effects on job outcomes.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 270397
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