haku: @indexterm FRAUDULENT TRADING / yhteensä: 19
viite: 8 / 19
Tekijä:Deardorff, A. V.
Stolper, W. F.
Otsikko:Effects of smuggling under African conditions: a factual, institutional and analytic discussion
Lehti:Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv
1990 : VOL. l26:1, p. ll6-l4l
Tiivistelmä:The authors were amazed by the low official figures of intra-African trade. This directed their attention to the phenomenon of smuggling which is quite extensive, sophisticated and serves not only tax evasion but also the bygoing of distortionary government policies. It appears to the authors that smuggling prevented the total collapse of these countries' economies. In light of the above facts they modify the Bhagwati- Hansen model of smuggling.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 80649
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