haku: @indexterm VERTICAL INTEGRATION / yhteensä: 190
viite: 21 / 190
Tekijä:Parmigiani, A.
Otsikko:Why do firms both make and buy? An investigating of concurrent sourcng
Lehti:Strategic Management Journal
2007 : MAR, VOL. 28:3, p. 285-311
Asiasana:economic theory
make or buy decisions
transaction costs
vertical integration
Tiivistelmä:This paper combines organizational economic theories, like transaction cost economic, neoclassical economics and the firms capabilities, and compares when firms make, buy and concurrently source through surveying small manufacturing firms. It finds support for aspects of all three theories, with evidence indicating that concurrent sourcing is a distinctly different choice, rather existing along a make/buy continuum.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 264907
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