haku: @indexterm VERTICAL INTEGRATION / yhteensä: 190
viite: 14 / 190
Tekijä:Casson, M.
Godley, A.
Otsikko:Revisiting the emergence of the modern business enterprise: entrepreneurship and the singer global distribution system
Lehti:Journal of Management Studies
2007 : NOV, VOL. 44:7, 1064-1077
Asiasana:decision making
vertical integration
Tiivistelmä:Building on a business historical viewpoint, this paper sets out to investigate why entrepreneurial firms exist. The article summarizes existing, received theories of entrepreneurship and revisits the the classic view of the emergence of the modern business firm, which activated the emergence of central tiers of management. This study disputes the idea that the original development of the modern business firm was closely linked to managerial routine, and states that it is associated with entrepreneurial innovation instead. Based on a case study of vertical integration the article also demonstrates how the theory of entrepreneurship best explains the rise of the modern corporation.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 267774
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