haku: @indexterm Diffusion / yhteensä: 191
viite: 43 / 191
Tekijä:Uslay, C.
Malhotra, N.K.
Citrin, A.V.
Otsikko:Unique marketing challenges at the frontiers of technology: an integrated perspective
Lehti:International Journal of Technology Management
2004 : VOL. 28:1, p. 8-30
Marketing mix
Marketing strategy
Switching costs
Tiivistelmä:Several aspects pertaining to the marketing of technology-oriented products and services of which managers need to be aware in order to survive and succeed in competitive markets are highlighted in this paper. A conceptual framework is presented fot the marketing of technology-oriented products encompassing the strategic options available to technology companies, the marketing mix decisions and market related issues. The study also undertakes a literature review to identify the recent and relevant "marketing tool kit".
SCIMA tietueen numero: 259386
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