haku: @indexterm Organization theory / yhteensä: 191
viite: 31 / 191
Tekijä:Martens, W.
Otsikko:The distinctions within organizations: Luhmann from a cultural perspective
2006 : JAN, VOL. 13:1, p. 83-108
Asiasana:organization theory
Tiivistelmä:This paper shows that Luhmann's (hereafter as: L.) writings are helpful to identify the constitutive distinctions (here as: dists.) for organization (as: org./orgs.) as a specific type of social system. Relating L.'s theory of org. to his theory of functionally differentiated society, it identifies, second, the specifying dists. responsible for the specific problem orientations typical of modern orgs. In a third step, it shows how the dists. and schemes used in orgs. fit into and contribute to a general functionalist culture of modernity.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 260201
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