haku: @indexterm Brand choice / yhteensä: 192
viite: 22 / 192
Tekijä:Foxall, G.R.
James, V.K.
Otsikko:The behavioral ecology of brand choice: how and what do consumers maximize?
Lehti:Psychology & Marketing
2003 : SEP, VOL. 20:9, p. 811-836
Asiasana:Brand choice
Consumer behaviour
Tiivistelmä:Brand-selection data from individual consumers is used in this study to determine whether, at this level of analysis, 1) consumers' purchasing patterns show matching, 2) consumers maximize returns, and 3) what they maximize. Consumer behaviour for fast-moving goods exhibits matching, but in the form of multibrand purchasing rather than exclusive choice.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 251482
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