haku: @indexterm Religion / yhteensä: 192
viite: 53 / 192
Tekijä:Vitell, S. J.
Paolillo, J. G. P.
Singh, J. J.
Otsikko:The role of money and religiosity in determining consumers' ethical beliefs
Lehti:Journal of Business Ethics
2006 : MAR II, VOL 64:2, p. 117-124
consumer attitudes
consumer behaviour
Tiivistelmä:This paper presents the findings of a study that examined the roles that religiosity and one's money ethic play in determining consumer attitudes in different situations regarding questionable consumer practices. The study concentrated on exploring intrinsic religiousness and one specific dimension of money ethic scale. The findings indicate that both intrinsic religiousness and one's money ethic were important determinants of most types of consumer ethical beliefs.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 261853
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