haku: @indexterm Gas industry / yhteensä: 194
viite: 33 / 194
Tekijä:Chistokhvalova, D.
Otsikko:Russian exports heavily dependent on oil
Lehti:Economic Trends
2003 : 4, p. 11-15
Asiasana:International trade
Gas industry
Oil industry
Petroleum industry
Tiivistelmä:Companies operating in the oil and gas sector play the most important role in Russian exports. Top positions of the export rankings are occupied by them. Among the top 10 exporters there are eight oil and gas companies, with Gazprom alone accounting for more than 15 percent of the country's overall exports in 2001. Western Europe is the main receiver of the Russian black gold. The article includes also figures on exports and information in brief on five largest Russian oil and gas exporting companies.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 249374
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