haku: @indexterm STOCKS / yhteensä: 197
viite: 50 / 197
Tekijä:Bohman, L.
Otsikko:Economic action and interfirm relations: Diffusion of stock repurchases on the Stockholm stock exchange 2000-2003
Lehti:European sociological review
2006 : SEP, VOL 22: 4 p. 383-396
Asiasana:interorganizational relations
stock repurchases
Tiivistelmä:This paper investigates the importance of interorganizational relations for stock repurchases made on the Stockholm Stock Exchange between 2000 and 2003. Based on theories of social influence, the main contention made is that stock repurchases are associated not only with specific economic characteristic of the repurchasing firms but also with social influence through board unions. The study is based on parametric survival analyses, which was performed on all firms listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange in at least January and June in one of the examined years.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 263826
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