haku: @indexterm Strategic planning / yhteensä: 1972
viite: 37 / 1972
Tekijä:Alexiev, A. S. (et al.)
Otsikko:Top management team advice seeking and exploratory innovation: the moderating role of TMT heterogeneity
Lehti:Journal of Management Studies
2010 : NOV, VOL. 47:7 p. 1343-1364
team work
decision making
organizational behaviour
strategic planning
Vapaa asiasana:industrial management
Tiivistelmä:This article examines the impact of external and internal advice seeking on exploratory innovation. It is argued that top management team heterogeneity moderates the effect of advice seeking on exploratory innovation. Results show that both external and internal advice seeking are important determinants of a company's exploratory innovation. Furthermore, it is found that top management team heterogeneity facilitates companies to act upon internal advice by combining different perspectives and developing new products and services. Heterogeneous top management teams seemed to be less effective to leverage external advice and try to achieve exploratory innovation.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275591
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