haku: @indexterm Private companies / yhteensä: 198
viite: 45 / 198
Tekijä:Zang, Yueru
Otsikko:Two questions of the sound development of non-state-owned enterprises (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Management World (c)
1999 : 2, p.134-138
Tiivistelmä:(1)The sound development of non-state-owned enterprises requires the government to amend its policy and create a favorable external environment. The government is expected to treat all enterprises equally in its policy-making without discrimination towards different types of ownership. The government should not put non-state-owned enterprises in a position of just activating rural and urban economy, but encourage them to play a greater role.(2)The construction of non-state-owned enterprises needs strengthening to overcome their internal weakness. Democratic policy-making procedure is expected to take place of the past thoughtless way of developing. In the process of the secondary pioneering, non-state-owned enterprises are to solve the problem of further development, find their own advantages and realize industrial promotion.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 195916
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