haku: @journal_id 1606 / yhteensä: 198
viite: 56 / 198
Tekijä:Weng, Xiaohong
Otsikko:Bio-medical science project holds new hopes (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Economy and Information (c)
1999 : 4, p.35-38
Tiivistelmä:Currently, the development of bio-medical science project has begun to take shape, and the demands in domestic market have been enlarged. For example, the research application in the field of the traditional Chinese medical science modernization has some achievements with Chinese characteristics. The charge of people's concept about health brings along the development of the market of the household rehabilitation, health care products. But the product variety demanding high-content technology is in shortage. So bio-medical science industry yearns further development especially the development of our national medical instruments and apparatus, such as medical treatment and health care oriented to the public; rehabilitation physic instruments, the markets of medical high technology for further research and development of Chinese medical...
SCIMA tietueen numero: 197745
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