haku: @journal_id 1606 / yhteensä: 198
viite: 46 / 198
Tekijä:Ke, Tizu
Otsikko:Five tendencies of China's population development (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Economy and Information (c)
1999 : 7, p.62
Tiivistelmä:1,The quantities of population are going on growing. 2, The productive-age-people ,which will increase 1.7 thousands millions by 2002,faster grow and extra manpower is too much to bring the heavy pressure of employment.3, The problem of aged people is serious. The proportion of 65- year-old aged people will surpass 18% by 2004.4, Population urbanization is only 29.8% in China. 5,The population qualities, especially one of education and sciences and techniques should be heightened.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 200984
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