haku: @indexterm private companies / yhteensä: 198
viite: 21 / 198
Tekijä:Witte, E.
Otsikko:Vom Staatsmonopol zum privaten Wettbewerbsmarkt
Lehti:Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft
2002 : VOL. 72:3, p. 1-50
Tiivistelmä:The liberalisation of the telecommunications division of the Deutsche Bundespost was not easily to be performed due to the extensive monopoly rights. A private monopoly would have been created, with an overwhelming power on all market forces. A pure cancellation of the monopoly rights would also not have brought efficient results. The remaining virtual monopoly would have deterred new competitors, who need time to build up their position. The attempt of deregulation succeeded due to a stepwise coordination of market opening and liberalisation, two processes mutually dependent on each other. The more new competitors go into the market and gain market shares the grater are the entrepreneurial liberties for the former monopolist.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 241627
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