haku: @freeterm Slovenia, labour legislation, employment / yhteensä: 2
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Tekijä:Dobrin, T.
Otsikko:Formal and actual possibilities of flexible employment
Lehti:Podjetje in delo
1995 : VOL. 21:2, p. 171-182
Vapaa asiasana:Slovenia, labour legislation, employment
flexibility, labour relations, part-time
work, temporary employment, work at home
telework, legislation, developed
countries, Europe, international
Tiivistelmä:In the present system of employment relations' regulation, particularly in the countries, developed as to the rule of taw and economy, permanent employment still prevails.However, it is more and more being substituted by other, so called flexible forms of employment relations.The reason are the wishes and interests of the employers, who wish to employ quickly and without hindrance and thus adjust themselves to the without hindrance and thus adjust themselves to the demands of the market as much as possible. After the introductory part the author discusses the notion of flexible forms of employment in our country and abroad, their legal regulation and the development of this institution.She discusses more in detail the part-time employment and fixed term employment.There are also other legal forms of flexible employment known in the world, e.g. home-work, dislocated work, and the like.Slovenian law adjusts with difficulty to the development of flexible forms of employment and also the new legislation will have to adjust to this.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 145754
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