haku: @author Dupont, D. P. / yhteensä: 2
viite: 2 / 2
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Tekijä:Dupont, D. P.
Renzetti, S.
Otsikko:The role of water in manufacturing
Lehti:Environmental and Resource Economics
2001 : APR, VOL. 18:4, p. 411-432
Asiasana:Water supply industry
Water resources
Tiivistelmä:A KLEM model of the sector's technology is extended to include two facets of water use: intake and recirculation. Three annual cross-sectional surveys on plant-level water use are pooled and combined with census data to estimate this extended model for the Canadian manufacturing sector 1981-1991. Water intake is found to be a substitute for water recirculatrion, energy, labour and capital. The relationship between water intake and recirculation is stronger when water intake process-related rather than related to cooling and steam production.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 224954
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