haku: @author Filatotchev, I. (et al.) / yhteensä: 2
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Tekijä:Filatotchev, I. (et al.)
Otsikko:Effects of post-privatization governance and strategies on export intensity in the former Soviet Union
Lehti:Journal of International Business Studies
2001 : VOL. 32:4, p. 853-871
Asiasana:Corporate governance
Strategic planning
Statistical methods
Eastern Europe
Soviet bloc
Tiivistelmä:The fall of the Soviet Union brought new enterprise opportunities whose exploitation required the development of entirely new strategies. Simultaneously, enterprises faced crucial constraints in their governance structures. This paper analyzes the impact of governance structures of privatized firms on one key outcome of new strategies: export intensity. Using a longitudinal, multi-industry dataset of privatized firms in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, the paper analyzes how export intensity is mediated by strategies involving product development, acquisitions and links with foreign partners.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 239267
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