haku: @freeterm State dependence / yhteensä: 2
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Tekijä:Moshkin, N.V.
Shachar, R.
Otsikko:The asymmetric information model of state dependence
Lehti:Marketing Science
2002 : FALL, VOL. 21:4, p. 435-454
Asiasana:Asymmetric information
Brand loyalty
Marketing research
Vapaa asiasana:State dependence
Tiivistelmä:Marketing researchers and practitioners are interested in consumer loyalty because of its managerial consequences. Previous empirical studies find that consumers are loyal not only to a brand, but also to a firm (umbrella brand). This repeat-purchase behavior might result from state dependence or from heterogeneity. The meaning of state dependence is that the current choice behaviorally depends on the previous one. The traditional model of state dependence assumes that the previous choice affects the current utility. This study suggests another source of state dependence: the previous choice affects the current information set.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 244161
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