haku: @author Michalowski, W. / yhteensä: 2
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Tekijä:Karasakal, E. K.
Michalowski, W.
Otsikko:Incorporating wealth information into a multiple criteria decision making model
Lehti:European Journal of Operational Research
2003 : OCT, VOL. 150:1, p. 204-219
Asiasana:Decision support systems
Multiple criteria decision making
Vapaa asiasana:Behavioural considerations
Tiivistelmä:The authors describe how a multiple criteria decision making modelling framework can be extended to account for one of the behavioral ramifications of a decision making activity, namely, the decision maker's perception of his/her current wealth status, referred to as decisional wealth. They identify efficient solutions that satisfy a DM's wealth-dependent preferences, and illustrate the proposed modelling framework with an example.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 249861
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