haku: @author Dupont, D. P. / yhteensä: 2
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Tekijä:Dupont, D. P.
Otsikko:CVM embedding effects when there are active, potentially active and passive users of environmental goods
Lehti:Environmental and Resource Economics
2003 : JUL, VOL. 25:3, p. 319-341
Asiasana:Environmental economics
Contingent valuation
Leisure industry
Vapaa asiasana:Contingent valuation methodology (CVM)
Tiivistelmä:Embedding is said to occur when the willingness-to-pay values for a good differ according to whether the good is valued on its own or as a package of goods. Using split-sample data from different question ordering of a survey administrated to a general population, the willingness-to-pay values for improvements to three recreational activities are estimated. The results support the hypothesis that order effects are likely to be larger for passive users and also show that potentially active users may be affected by question order to a greater extent than active users.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 253011
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