haku: @freeterm Nordic customs union / yhteensä: 2
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Tekijä:Froland, H.O.
Otsikko:Norway's liberalisation of trade and payments in the 1950s
Lehti:Scandinavian economic history review
2004 : VOL. 52:2, p. 11-38
Vapaa asiasana:OEEC
Nordic customs union
Tiivistelmä:From the perspective of the domestic political economy, liberalization provides an account of Norway's policies towards the European trade and payments schemes. It argues that although national ambitions were constrained by multilateral European liberalization, a succesful policy mix of exploiting EPU credits, delaying import quota liberalization and selectively raising tariffs was pursued. This paper also argues that the government's sympathy towards the stillborn Nordic customs union in 1954 originated in this policy mix.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 257605
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