haku: @author Tsogas, G. / yhteensä: 2
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Tekijä:Subeliani, D.
Tsogas, G.
Otsikko:Managing the diversity in the Netherlands: a case study of Rabobank
Lehti:International journal of human resource management
2005 : MAY, VOL. 16:5, p. 831-851
Ethnic groups
Human resource management
Tiivistelmä:Managing diversity is a relatively new domain within HRM. This case study examines in detail the diversity management practices of Rabobank, a major bank in the Netherlands, which has applied diversity concepts in its management practices. Theoretical premises on diversity management are contrasted with praxis at Rabobank through interviews with managers and employees of the bank. The results indicate that diversity management has been used primarily to attract ethnic customers to the bank, rather than to advance the quality of working life and career prospects of ethic minority employees.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 258978
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