haku: @freeterm competence / yhteensä: 2
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Tekijä:Fleury, M. T. L.
Fleury, A. C. C.
Otsikko:In search of competence: aligning strategy and competences in the telecommunications industry
Lehti:International Journal of Human Resource Management
2005 : SEP, VOL. 16:9, p. 1640 – 1655
Asiasana:human resource management
Vapaa asiasana:competence
Tiivistelmä:The concepts of competence management and management by competences are both recently emerged academic concerns. The authors propose that the best way to proceed in building up the new managerial approach is to connect competence to the organizational strategy. The authors review the different concepts of competence provided by North American and European literature. An analytical framework, which was empirically tested among companies of Brazilian telecommunications industry, is presented in the article.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 260967
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