haku: @author Strandskov, J. / yhteensä: 2
viite: 2 / 2
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Tekijä:Strandskov, J.
Pedersen, K.
Otsikko:The foreign expansion of a service company: the case of ISS A/S
Lehti:Business history
2008 : JAN, VOL: 50:1, p. 40-61
Asiasana:service industries
foreign subsidiary companies
cleaning industry
Vapaa asiasana:resource-based theory
Tiivistelmä:International Service Systems (ISS) is a company that provides industrial building and building maintenance services. This article reviews the history of ISS and its aggressive foreign expansion in the period 1960-2000. Resource based theory is used to interpret what factors explain the pace and patterns of the foreign expansion of this labour-intensive service that employ low-skilled workers. The authors show what can be learned by internationalization of ISS compared with other types of services.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 267802
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