haku: @author Kvaloy, O. / yhteensä: 2
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Tekijä:Eriksen, K.W.
Kvaloy, O.
Olsen, T.E.
Otsikko:Tournaments with prize-setting agents
Lehti:Scandinavian Journal of Economics
2011 : VOL. 113:3, p. 729-753
Vapaa asiasana:experiments
Tiivistelmä:The contestants themselves determine reward allocation in some tournaments. Union members negotiate on wage distribution, and some firms let self-managed teams to freely determine internal resource allocation, incentive structure, and labour division. This study analyses and experimentally tests a tournament with heterogeneous agents determining the spread btw. winner prize and loser prize. Explored are the relationship btw. prize spread (herein as: pr-spd.), uncertainty (as: uncy.), heterogeneity (as: htgy.), and effort. It is found that a large pr-spd. is associated with a low degree of uncy. and a high degree of htgy., and that htgy. triggers effort. In general, the theoretical predictions are supported by this real-effort experiment.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 273964
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