haku: @author Kulonda, D. J. / yhteensä: 2
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Tekijä:Forcht, K. A.
Kulonda, D. J.
Moates, W. H.
Otsikko:Emerging roles of the MIS professional : technocrat or change agent?
Lehti:Journal of Systems Management
1987 : NOV, VOL. 38:11, p. 10-17
Tiivistelmä:Examined are the predictions of industry leaders and isolated five key roles for management information system managers in the future: MIS professional as a functional expert; user-oriented MIS professional; MIS as a business; MIS as a system maintainer; MIS as complete change agent. Business decision-making power will become more firmly entrenched with users. The users will gain more power over information technology as they begin to use distributed computing, networking, fourth generation languages.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 58079
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