haku: @indexterm Product involvement / yhteensä: 20
viite: 14 / 20
Tekijä:DeGraba, P.
Sulivan, M.
Otsikko:Spillover effects, cost savings, R&D and the use of brand extensions
Lehti:International Journal of Industrial Organization
1995 : JUN, VOL. 13:2, p. 229-248
Tiivistelmä:Introducing a new product as a brand extension can both lower the cost of introduction and create a spillover effect that depends on its realized quality level. The authors show that these two facts along with a model of R&D in the presence of marketing uncertainty, explain the empirical observation that firms introduce brand extensions later than new-name products. This theory also explains the otherwise puzzling empirical observation that brand extensions that enter early in the product life cycle succeed less often than do early entering new-name products.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 130768
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